Thursday, October 1, 2009


So, I have been instructed to update this by my sister and my only follower. Thanks for supporting me, Anna! :)

So, I am going to start with my recent frustration -- men. Now, I have been told that if a man really digs you, he is willing to wait for sex. I am pretty sure this is true...because I have been told this on more than one occasion. But I can tell you right now that I, myself, have experimented with both options -- sex on the first date AND waiting. Waiting is usually (and when I say usually, I mean always...)better. But it almost feels like a lose-lose situation recently. I met a guy a month or so ago and we had a great time and a great night (wink, wink, nudge, nudge) and we talked for a few days after and he threw the whole, "I can't want to see you again and I miss you and you are amazing!" routine at me...and then stopped talking to me. Just stopped. No warning, no reason...nothing. So then I go on a date last week and it was FANTASTIC! We had a great time and we meshed really well. I made it a point to NOT sleep with him because I have decided to reinstate my Third Date Rule (no funny business until AT LEAST the third date). He was respectful of this and he was really great about it...and we even talked after he left for the night. The next day...nothing. Once again, completely ignored. We even made plans for a second date and he just stopped talking to me -- once again with no reason or explaination.

Men -- HOW DO YOU THINK THIS IS OKAY TO DO?!?!? I prefer honesty...and I will be the first to say, "Hey, I think you're a great guy, just not the guy for me" because I think it is respectful towards the other person. I mean, I can take a hint...but seriously? Why is it that there is not enough respect out there to tell a woman why you are no longer going to see her or talk to her? It is OKAY to not be into her...I am not offended when I am told this; I am THANKFUL. This way, neither one of us is wasting our time.

So guys...if you don't like us, tell us. You don't want to hurt us? You are hurting us more by ignoring us and not giving us any explaination. So put on your big girl panties and deal with it.

1 comment:

  1. Very valid points, Katie. Men just aren't good communicators. They would rather ignore and disappear than have to explain their emotions or actions. Hang in there cause there are men out there who actually MEAN what they say, regardless of first date rules or third date rules. You just haven't meant them yet. Actually, those who don't contact you after first dates or even 2nd dates, are doing you a big favor as I see it. They definitely are NOT in touch with their feelings or have the ability to enter into a growing, mature relationship. Probably NOT great husband material, you know? Or even longer relationship material. They know the lines and what they THINK women want to hear but don't have a clue as to how to be honest and communicate. Even those who can communicate and are more mature have a hard time expressing their desires or commitment or lack thereof. Men are still from another planet basically, however if they are less selfish and more compassionate, they will learn to express how they feel. If they don't have to talk about it, they think it magically takes care of itself or goes away. I'm fortunate enough to have someone who communicates with me for over 32 years now, however it is STILL a struggle to have him actually put his feelings into words. Hang in there---don't stop trying cause if you don't take the risk, you won't ever win the prize!!
